* @class Ext.EventManager
* Registers event handlers that want to receive a normalized EventObject instead of the standard browser event and provides
* several useful events directly.
* See {@link Ext.EventObject} for more details on normalized event objects.
* @singleton
Ext.EventManager = function(){
var docReadyEvent, docReadyProcId, docReadyState = false;
var resizeEvent, resizeTask, textEvent, textSize;
var E = Ext.lib.Event;
var D = Ext.lib.Dom;
var fireDocReady = function(){
docReadyState = true;
if(Ext.isGecko || Ext.isOpera) {
document.removeEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", fireDocReady, false);
var initDocReady = function(){
docReadyEvent = new Ext.util.Event();
if(Ext.isGecko || Ext.isOpera) {
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", fireDocReady, false);
}else if(Ext.isIE){
// inspired by http://www.thefutureoftheweb.com/blog/2006/6/adddomloadevent
document.write("<s"+'cript id="ie-deferred-loader" defer="defer" src="/'+'/:"></s'+"cript>");
E.on("ie-deferred-loader", "readystatechange", function(){
if(this.readyState == "complete"){
}else if(Ext.isSafari){
docReadyProcId = setInterval(function(){
var rs = document.readyState;
if(rs == "complete") {
}, 10);
// no matter what, make sure it fires on load
E.on(window, "load", fireDocReady);
var createBuffered = function(h, o){
var task = new Ext.util.DelayedTask(h);
return function(e){
// create new event object impl so new events don't wipe out properties
e = new Ext.EventObjectImpl(e);
task.delay(o.buffer, h, null, [e]);
var createSingle = function(h, el, ename, fn){
return function(e){
Ext.EventManager.removeListener(el, ename, fn);
var createDelayed = function(h, o){
return function(e){
// create new event object impl so new events don't wipe out properties
e = new Ext.EventObjectImpl(e);
}, o.delay || 10);
var listen = function(element, ename, opt, fn, scope){
var o = (!opt || typeof opt == "boolean") ? {} : opt;
fn = fn || o.fn; scope = scope || o.scope;
var el = Ext.getDom(element);
throw "Error listening for " + ename + '. Element ' + element + ' doesn\'t exist.';
var h = function(e){
e = Ext.EventObject.setEvent(e);
var t;
t = e.getTarget(o.delegate, el);
t = e.target;
if(o.stopEvent === true){
if(o.preventDefault === true){
if(o.stopPropagation === true){
if(o.normalized === false){
e = e.browserEvent;
fn.call(scope || el, e, t, o);
h = createDelayed(h, o);
h = createSingle(h, el, ename, fn);
h = createBuffered(h, o);
fn._handlers = fn._handlers || [];
fn._handlers.push([Ext.id(el), ename, h]);
E.on(el, ename, h);
if(ename == "mousewheel" && el.addEventListener){ // workaround for jQuery
el.addEventListener("DOMMouseScroll", h, false);
E.on(window, 'unload', function(){
el.removeEventListener("DOMMouseScroll", h, false);
if(ename == "mousedown" && el == document){ // fix stopped mousedowns on the document
return h;
var stopListening = function(el, ename, fn){
var id = Ext.id(el), hds = fn._handlers;
for(var i = 0, len = hds.length; i < len; i++){
var h = hds[i];
if(h[0] == id && h[1] == ename){
var hd = h[2];
hds.splice(i, 1);
return E.un(el, ename, hd);
E.un(el, ename, fn);
el = Ext.getDom(el);
if(ename == "mousewheel" && el.addEventListener){
el.removeEventListener("DOMMouseScroll", fn, false);
if(ename == "mousedown" && el == document){ // fix stopped mousedowns on the document
var propRe = /^(?:scope|delay|buffer|single|stopEvent|preventDefault|stopPropagation|normalized)$/;
var pub = {
* This is no longer needed and is deprecated. Places a simple wrapper around an event handler to override the browser event
* object with a Ext.EventObject
* @param {Function} fn The method the event invokes
* @param {Object} scope An object that becomes the scope of the handler
* @param {boolean} override If true, the obj passed in becomes
* the execution scope of the listener
* @return {Function} The wrapped function
* @deprecated
wrap : function(fn, scope, override){
return function(e){
fn.call(override ? scope || window : window, Ext.EventObject, scope);
* Appends an event handler
* @param {String/HTMLElement} element The html element or id to assign the
* event to
* @param {String} eventName The type of event to append
* @param {Function} fn The method the event invokes
* @param {Object} options An object with standard EventManager options
addListener : function(element, eventName, fn, scope, options){
if(typeof eventName == "object"){
var o = eventName;
for(var e in o){
if(typeof o[e] == "function"){
// shared options
listen(element, e, o, o[e], o.scope);
// individual options
listen(element, e, o[e]);
return listen(element, eventName, options, fn, scope);
* Removes an event handler
* @param {String/HTMLElement} element The id or html element to remove the
* event from
* @param {String} eventName The type of event
* @param {Function} fn
* @return {Boolean} True if a listener was actually removed
removeListener : function(element, eventName, fn){
return stopListening(element, eventName, fn);
* Fires when the document is ready (before onload and before images are loaded). Can be
* accessed shorthanded Ext.onReady().
* @param {Function} fn The method the event invokes
* @param {Object} scope An object that becomes the scope of the handler
* @param {boolean} options
onDocumentReady : function(fn, scope, options){
if(docReadyState){ // if it already fired
fn.call(scope || window, scope);
docReadyEvent.addListener(fn, scope, options);
* Fires when the window is resized and provides resize event buffering (50 milliseconds), passes new viewport width and height to handlers.
* @param {Function} fn The method the event invokes
* @param {Object} scope An object that becomes the scope of the handler
* @param {boolean} options
onWindowResize : function(fn, scope, options){
resizeEvent = new Ext.util.Event();
resizeTask = new Ext.util.DelayedTask(function(){
resizeEvent.fire(D.getViewWidth(), D.getViewHeight());
E.on(window, "resize", function(){
resizeEvent.fire(D.getViewWidth(), D.getViewHeight());
resizeEvent.addListener(fn, scope, options);
* Fires when the user changes the active text size. Handler gets called with 2 params, the old size and the new size.
* @param {Function} fn The method the event invokes
* @param {Object} scope An object that becomes the scope of the handler
* @param {boolean} options
onTextResize : function(fn, scope, options){
textEvent = new Ext.util.Event();
var textEl = new Ext.Element(document.createElement('div'));
textEl.dom.className = 'x-text-resize';
textEl.dom.innerHTML = 'X';
textSize = textEl.dom.offsetHeight;
if(textEl.dom.offsetHeight != textSize){
textEvent.fire(textSize, textSize = textEl.dom.offsetHeight);
}, this.textResizeInterval);
textEvent.addListener(fn, scope, options);
* Removes the passed window resize listener.
* @param {Function} fn The method the event invokes
* @param {Object} scope The scope of handler
removeResizeListener : function(fn, scope){
resizeEvent.removeListener(fn, scope);
fireResize : function(){
resizeEvent.fire(D.getViewWidth(), D.getViewHeight());
* Url used for onDocumentReady with using SSL (defaults to Ext.SSL_SECURE_URL)
ieDeferSrc : false,
textResizeInterval : 50
* Appends an event handler (shorthand for addListener)
* @param {String/HTMLElement} element The html element or id to assign the
* event to
* @param {String} eventName The type of event to append
* @param {Function} fn The method the event invokes
* @param {Object} scope An arbitrary object that will be
* passed as a parameter to the handler
* @param {boolean} override If true, the obj passed in becomes
* the execution scope of the listener
* @return {Function} The wrapper function created (to be used to remove the listener if necessary)
* @method
pub.on = pub.addListener;
pub.un = pub.removeListener;
pub.stoppedMouseDownEvent = new Ext.util.Event();
return pub;
* Fires when the document is ready (before onload and before images are loaded). Shorthand of {@link Ext.EventManager#onDocumentReady}.
* @param {Function} fn The method the event invokes
* @param {Object} scope An object that becomes the scope of the handler
* @param {boolean} override If true, the obj passed in becomes
* the execution scope of the listener
* @member Ext
* @method onReady
Ext.onReady = Ext.EventManager.onDocumentReady;
var bd = Ext.get(document.body);
if(!bd){ return; }
var cls = Ext.isIE ? "ext-ie"
: Ext.isGecko ? "ext-gecko"
: Ext.isOpera ? "ext-opera"
: Ext.isSafari ? "ext-safari" : "";
cls += ' ext-border-box';
cls += ' ext-strict';
* @class Ext.EventObject
* EventObject exposes the Yahoo! UI Event functionality directly on the object
* passed to your event handler. It exists mostly for convenience. It also fixes the annoying null checks automatically to cleanup your code
* Example:
* <pre><code>
fu<>nction handleClick(e){ // e is not a standard event object, it is a Ext.EventObject
var target = e.getTarget();
var myDiv = Ext.get("myDiv");
myDiv.on("click", handleClick);
Ext.EventManager.on("myDiv", 'click', handleClick);
Ext.EventManager.addListener("myDiv", 'click', handleClick);
* @singleton
Ext.EventObject = function(){
var E = Ext.lib.Event;
// safari keypress events for special keys return bad keycodes
var safariKeys = {
63234 : 37, // left
63235 : 39, // right
63232 : 38, // up
63233 : 40, // down
63276 : 33, // page up
63277 : 34, // page down
63272 : 46, // delete
63273 : 36, // home
63275 : 35 // end
// normalize button clicks
var btnMap = Ext.isIE ? {1:0,4:1,2:2} :
(Ext.isSafari ? {1:0,2:1,3:2} : {0:0,1:1,2:2});
Ext.EventObjectImpl = function(e){
this.setEvent(e.browserEvent || e);
Ext.EventObjectImpl.prototype = {
/** The normal browser event */
browserEvent : null,
/** The button pressed in a mouse event */
button : -1,
/** True if the shift key was down during the event */
shiftKey : false,
/** True if the control key was down during the event */
ctrlKey : false,
/** True if the alt key was down during the event */
altKey : false,
/** Key constant @type Number */
/** Key constant @type Number */
TAB : 9,
/** Key constant @type Number */
RETURN : 13,
/** Key constant @type Number */
ENTER : 13,
/** Key constant @type Number */
SHIFT : 16,
/** Key constant @type Number */
/** Key constant @type Number */
ESC : 27,
/** Key constant @type Number */
SPACE : 32,
/** Key constant @type Number */
PAGEUP : 33,
/** Key constant @type Number */
/** Key constant @type Number */
END : 35,
/** Key constant @type Number */
HOME : 36,
/** Key constant @type Number */
LEFT : 37,
/** Key constant @type Number */
UP : 38,
/** Key constant @type Number */
RIGHT : 39,
/** Key constant @type Number */
DOWN : 40,
/** Key constant @type Number */
DELETE : 46,
/** Key constant @type Number */
F5 : 116,
/** @private */
setEvent : function(e){
if(e == this || (e && e.browserEvent)){ // already wrapped
return e;
this.browserEvent = e;
// normalize buttons
this.button = e.button ? btnMap[e.button] : (e.which ? e.which-1 : -1);
this.shiftKey = e.shiftKey;
// mac metaKey behaves like ctrlKey
this.ctrlKey = e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey;
this.altKey = e.altKey;
// in getKey these will be normalized for the mac
this.keyCode = e.keyCode;
this.charCode = e.charCode;
// cache the target for the delayed and or buffered events
this.target = E.getTarget(e);
// same for XY
this.xy = E.getXY(e);
this.button = -1;
this.shiftKey = false;
this.ctrlKey = false;
this.altKey = false;
this.keyCode = 0;
this.charCode =0;
this.target = null;
this.xy = [0, 0];
return this;
* Stop the event (preventDefault and stopPropagation)
stopEvent : function(){
if(this.browserEvent.type == 'mousedown'){
* Prevents the browsers default handling of the event.
preventDefault : function(){
/** @private */
isNavKeyPress : function(){
var k = this.keyCode;
k = Ext.isSafari ? (safariKeys[k] || k) : k;
return (k >= 33 && k <= 40) || k == this.RETURN || k == this.TAB || k == this.ESC;
isSpecialKey : function(){
var k = this.keyCode;
return k == 9 || k == 13 || k == 40 || k == 27 ||
(k == 16) || (k == 17) ||
(k >= 18 && k <= 20) ||
(k >= 33 && k <= 35) ||
(k >= 36 && k <= 39) ||
(k >= 44 && k <= 45);
* Cancels bubbling of the event.
stopPropagation : function(){
if(this.browserEvent.type == 'mousedown'){
* Gets the key code for the event.
* @return {Number}
getCharCode : function(){
return this.charCode || this.keyCode;
* Returns a normalized keyCode for the event.
* @return {Number} The key code
getKey : function(){
var k = this.keyCode || this.charCode;
return Ext.isSafari ? (safariKeys[k] || k) : k;
* Gets the x coordinate of the event.
* @return {Number}
getPageX : function(){
return this.xy[0];
* Gets the y coordinate of the event.
* @return {Number}
getPageY : function(){
return this.xy[1];
* Gets the time of the event.
* @return {Number}
getTime : function(){
return E.getTime(this.browserEvent);
return null;
* Gets the page coordinates of the event.
* @return {Array} The xy values like [x, y]
getXY : function(){
return this.xy;
* Gets the target for the event.
* @param {String} selector (optional) A simple selector to filter the target or look for an ancestor of the target
* @param {Number/String/HTMLElement/Element} maxDepth (optional) The max depth to
search as a number or element (defaults to 10 || document.body)
* @param {Boolean} returnEl (optional) True to return a Ext.Element object instead of DOM node
* @return {HTMLelement}
getTarget : function(selector, maxDepth, returnEl){
return selector ? Ext.fly(this.target).findParent(selector, maxDepth, returnEl) : this.target;
* Gets the related target.
* @return {HTMLElement}
getRelatedTarget : function(){
return E.getRelatedTarget(this.browserEvent);
return null;
* Normalizes mouse wheel delta across browsers
* @return {Number} The delta
getWheelDelta : function(){
var e = this.browserEvent;
var delta = 0;
if(e.wheelDelta){ /* IE/Opera. */
delta = e.wheelDelta/120;
/* In Opera 9, delta differs in sign as compared to IE. */
if(window.opera) delta = -delta;
}else if(e.detail){ /* Mozilla case. */
delta = -e.detail/3;
return delta;
* Returns true if the control, meta, shift or alt key was pressed during this event.
* @return {Boolean}
hasModifier : function(){
return ((this.ctrlKey || this.altKey) || this.shiftKey) ? true : false;
* Returns true if the target of this event equals el or is a child of el
* @param {String/HTMLElement/Element} el
* @param {Boolean} related (optional) true to test if the related target is within el instead of the target
* @return {Boolean}
within : function(el, related){
var t = this[related ? "getRelatedTarget" : "getTarget"]();
return t && Ext.fly(el).contains(t);
getPoint : function(){
return new Ext.lib.Point(this.xy[0], this.xy[1]);
return new Ext.EventObjectImpl();
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