Class Ext.EventObject
EventObject exposes the Yahoo! UI Event functionality directly on the object
passed to your event handler. It exists mostly for convenience. It also fixes the annoying null checks automatically to cleanup your code
fu<>nction handleClick(e){ // e is not a standard event object, it is a Ext.EventObject
var target = e.getTarget();
var myDiv = Ext.get("myDiv");
myDiv.on("click", handleClick);
Ext.EventManager.on("myDiv", 'click', handleClick);
Ext.EventManager.addListener("myDiv", 'click', handleClick);
This class is a singleton and cannot be created directly.
Public Properties
BACKSPACE : Number |
EventObject |
Key constant |
CONTROL : Number |
EventObject |
Key constant |
DELETE : Number |
EventObject |
Key constant |
DOWN : Number |
EventObject |
Key constant |
END : Number |
EventObject |
Key constant |
ENTER : Number |
EventObject |
Key constant |
ESC : Number |
EventObject |
Key constant |
F5 : Number |
EventObject |
Key constant |
HOME : Number |
EventObject |
Key constant |
LEFT : Number |
EventObject |
Key constant |
PAGEDOWN : Number |
EventObject |
Key constant |
PAGEUP : Number |
EventObject |
Key constant |
RETURN : Number |
EventObject |
Key constant |
RIGHT : Number |
EventObject |
Key constant |
SHIFT : Number |
EventObject |
Key constant |
SPACE : Number |
EventObject |
Key constant |
TAB : Number |
EventObject |
Key constant |
UP : Number |
EventObject |
Key constant |
altKey : Object |
EventObject |
True if the alt key was down during the event |
browserEvent : Object |
EventObject |
The normal browser event |
button : Object |
EventObject |
The button pressed in a mouse event |
ctrlKey : Object |
EventObject |
True if the control key was down during the event |
shiftKey : Object |
EventObject |
True if the shift key was down during the event |
Public Methods
getCharCode() : Number |
EventObject |
Gets the key code for the event. |
getKey() : Number |
EventObject |
Returns a normalized keyCode for the event. |
getPageX() : Number |
EventObject |
Gets the x coordinate of the event. |
getPageY() : Number |
EventObject |
Gets the y coordinate of the event. |
getRelatedTarget() : HTMLElement |
EventObject |
Gets the related target. |
getTarget([String selector ], [Number/String/HTMLElement/Element maxDepth ], [Boolean returnEl ]) : HTMLelement |
EventObject |
Gets the target for the event. |
getTime() : Number |
EventObject |
Gets the time of the event. |
getWheelDelta() : Number |
EventObject |
Normalizes mouse wheel delta across browsers |
getXY() : Array |
EventObject |
Gets the page coordinates of the event. |
hasModifier() : Boolean |
EventObject |
Returns true if the control, meta, shift or alt key was pressed during this event. |
preventDefault() : void |
EventObject |
Prevents the browsers default handling of the event. |
stopEvent() : void |
EventObject |
Stop the event (preventDefault and stopPropagation) |
stopPropagation() : void |
EventObject |
Cancels bubbling of the event. |
within(String/HTMLElement/Element el , [Boolean related ]) : Boolean |
EventObject |
Returns true if the target of this event equals el or is a child of el |
Public Events
This class has no public events.
Property Details
public Number BACKSPACE
Key constant
This property is defined by EventObject.
public Number CONTROL
Key constant
This property is defined by EventObject.
public Number DELETE
Key constant
This property is defined by EventObject.
public Number DOWN
Key constant
This property is defined by EventObject.
public Number END
Key constant
This property is defined by EventObject.
public Number ENTER
Key constant
This property is defined by EventObject.
public Number ESC
Key constant
This property is defined by EventObject.
public Number F5
Key constant
This property is defined by EventObject.
public Number HOME
Key constant
This property is defined by EventObject.
public Number LEFT
Key constant
This property is defined by EventObject.
public Number PAGEDOWN
Key constant
This property is defined by EventObject.
public Number PAGEUP
Key constant
This property is defined by EventObject.
public Number RETURN
Key constant
This property is defined by EventObject.
public Number RIGHT
Key constant
This property is defined by EventObject.
public Number SHIFT
Key constant
This property is defined by EventObject.
public Number SPACE
Key constant
This property is defined by EventObject.
public Number TAB
Key constant
This property is defined by EventObject.
public Number UP
Key constant
This property is defined by EventObject.
public Object altKey
True if the alt key was down during the event
This property is defined by EventObject.
public Object browserEvent
The normal browser event
This property is defined by EventObject.
public Object button
The button pressed in a mouse event
This property is defined by EventObject.
public Object ctrlKey
True if the control key was down during the event
This property is defined by EventObject.
public Object shiftKey
True if the shift key was down during the event
This property is defined by EventObject.
Method Details
public function getCharCode()
Gets the key code for the event.
This method is defined by EventObject.
public function getKey()
Returns a normalized keyCode for the event.
This method is defined by EventObject.
public function getPageX()
Gets the x coordinate of the event.
This method is defined by EventObject.
public function getPageY()
Gets the y coordinate of the event.
This method is defined by EventObject.
public function getRelatedTarget()
This method is defined by EventObject.
public function getTarget([String selector
], [Number/String/HTMLElement/Element maxDepth
], [Boolean returnEl
Gets the target for the event.
: String(optional) A simple selector to filter the target or look for an ancestor of the target
: Number/String/HTMLElement/Element(optional) The max depth to search as a number or element (defaults to 10 || document.body)
: Boolean(optional) True to return a Ext.Element object instead of DOM node
This method is defined by EventObject.
public function getTime()
Gets the time of the event.
This method is defined by EventObject.
public function getWheelDelta()
Normalizes mouse wheel delta across browsers
This method is defined by EventObject.
public function getXY()
Gets the page coordinates of the event.
This method is defined by EventObject.
public function hasModifier()
Returns true if the control, meta, shift or alt key was pressed during this event.
This method is defined by EventObject.
public function preventDefault()
Prevents the browsers default handling of the event.
This method is defined by EventObject.
public function stopEvent()
Stop the event (preventDefault and stopPropagation)
This method is defined by EventObject.
public function stopPropagation()
Cancels bubbling of the event.
This method is defined by EventObject.
public function within(String/HTMLElement/Element el
, [Boolean related
Returns true if the target of this event equals el or is a child of el
This method is defined by EventObject.