Creates a lightweight TabPanel component using Yahoo! UI.
// basic tabs 1, built from existing content
var tabs = new Ext.TabPanel("tabs1");
tabs.addTab("script", "View Script");
tabs.addTab("markup", "View Markup");
// more advanced tabs, built from javascript
var jtabs = new Ext.TabPanel("jtabs");
jtabs.addTab("jtabs-1", "Normal Tab", "My content was added during construction.");
// set up the UpdateManager
var tab2 = jtabs.addTab("jtabs-2", "Ajax Tab 1");
var updater = tab2.getUpdateManager();
tab2.on('activate', updater.refresh, updater, true);
// Use setUrl for Ajax loading
var tab3 = jtabs.addTab("jtabs-3", "Ajax Tab 2");
tab3.setUrl("ajax2.htm", null, true);
// Disabled tab
var tab4 = jtabs.addTab("tabs1-5", "Disabled Tab", "Can"t see me cause I"m disabled");
TabPanel(String/HTMLElement/Element container , Boolean config ) |
TabPanel |
Create new TabPanel. |
activate(String/Number id ) : void |
TabPanel |
Activate a TabPanelItem. The currently active will be deactivated. |
addEvents(Object object ) : void |
Observable |
Copies any events from the passed object onto this object if they do not already exist. The passed object
must also ... |
addListener(String eventName , Function handler , [Object options ]) : void |
Observable |
Appends an event handler to this component |
addTab(String id , String text , [String content ], [Boolean closable ]) : Ext.TabPanelItem |
TabPanel |
Creates a new TabPanelItem by looking for an existing element with the provided id - if it's not found it creates one. |
addTabItem(Ext.TabPanelItem item ) : void |
TabPanel |
Add an existing TabPanelItem. |
autoSizeTabs() : void |
TabPanel |
Manual call to resize the tabs (if resizeTabs is false this does nothing) |
beginUpdate() : void |
TabPanel |
Disables tab resizing while tabs are being added (if resizeTabs is false this does nothing) |
destroy([Boolean removeEl ]) : void |
TabPanel |
Destroys this TabPanel |
disableTab(String/Number id ) : void |
TabPanel |
Disable a TabPanelItem. It cannot be the active tab, if it is this call is ignored.. |
enableTab(String/Number id ) : void |
TabPanel |
Enable a TabPanelItem that is disabled. |
endUpdate() : void |
TabPanel |
Stops an update and resizes the tabs (if resizeTabs is false this does nothing) |
fireEvent(String eventName , Object... args ) : Boolean |
Observable |
Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name). |
getActiveTab() : Ext.TabPanelItem |
TabPanel |
Get the active TabPanelItem |
getCount() : Number |
TabPanel |
Returns the number of tabs |
getTab(String/Number id ) : Ext.TabPanelItem |
TabPanel |
Returns the TabPanelItem with the specified id/index |
hasListener(String eventName ) : Boolean |
Observable |
Checks to see if this object is currently listening for a specified event |
hideTab(String/Number id ) : void |
TabPanel |
Hides the TabPanelItem with the specified id/index |
on(String eventName , Function handler , [Object options ]) : void |
Observable |
Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener) |
purgeListeners() : void |
Observable |
Removes all listeners for this object |
removeListener(String eventName , Function handler , [Object scope ]) : void |
Observable |
Removes a listener |
removeTab(String/Number id ) : void |
TabPanel |
Remove a TabPanelItem. |
setTabWidth(Number The ) : void |
TabPanel |
Resizes all the tabs to the passed width |
syncHeight([Number targetHeight ]) : void |
TabPanel |
Updates the tab body element to fit the height of the container element
for overflow scrolling |
un(String eventName , Function handler , [Object scope ]) : void |
Observable |
Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener) |
unhideTab(String/Number id ) : void |
TabPanel |
"Unhides" the TabPanelItem with the specified id/index |
public Ext.Element bodyEl
The body element that contains TabPaneItem bodies.
This property is defined by TabPanel.
public Ext.Element el
The container element for this TabPanel.
This property is defined by TabPanel.
public Number maxTabWidth
The maximum width of a tab (ignored if resizeTabs is not true).
This property is defined by TabPanel.
public Number minTabWidth
The minimum width of a tab (ignored if resizeTabs is not true).
This property is defined by TabPanel.
public Boolean monitorResize
Set this to true to turn on window resizing monitoring (ignored if resizeTabs is not true).
This property is defined by TabPanel.
public Number preferredTabWidth
The preferred (default) width of a tab (ignored if resizeTabs is not true).
This property is defined by TabPanel.
public Boolean resizeTabs
Set this to true to enable dynamic tab resizing.
This property is defined by TabPanel.
public String tabPosition
The position of the tabs. Can be "top" or "bottom"
This property is defined by TabPanel.
public function activate(String/Number id
Activate a TabPanelItem. The currently active will be deactivated.
This method is defined by TabPanel.
public function addEvents(Object object
Copies any events from the passed object onto this object if they do not already exist. The passed object
must also inherit from Observable for this method to have any effect.
public function addListener(String eventName
, Function handler
, [Object options
Appends an event handler to this component
public function addTab(String id
, String text
, [String content
], [Boolean closable
Creates a new TabPanelItem by looking for an existing element with the provided id - if it's not found it creates one.
: StringThe id of the div to use or create
: StringThe text for the tab
: String(optional) Content to put in the TabPanelItem body
: Boolean(optional) True to create a close icon on the tab
The created TabPanelItem
This method is defined by TabPanel.
public function addTabItem(Ext.TabPanelItem item
Add an existing TabPanelItem.
: Ext.TabPanelItemThe TabPanelItem to add
This method is defined by TabPanel.
public function autoSizeTabs()
Manual call to resize the tabs (if resizeTabs is false this does nothing)
This method is defined by TabPanel.
public function beginUpdate()
Disables tab resizing while tabs are being added (if resizeTabs is false this does nothing)
This method is defined by TabPanel.
public function destroy([Boolean removeEl
This method is defined by TabPanel.
public function disableTab(String/Number id
Disable a TabPanelItem.
It cannot be the active tab, if it is this call is ignored..
This method is defined by TabPanel.
public function enableTab(String/Number id
Enable a TabPanelItem that is disabled.
This method is defined by TabPanel.
public function endUpdate()
Stops an update and resizes the tabs (if resizeTabs is false this does nothing)
This method is defined by TabPanel.
public function fireEvent(String eventName
, Object... args
Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name).
public function getActiveTab()
Get the active TabPanelItem
This method is defined by TabPanel.
public function getCount()
Returns the number of tabs
This method is defined by TabPanel.
public function getTab(String/Number id
Returns the TabPanelItem with the specified id/index
This method is defined by TabPanel.
public function hasListener(String eventName
Checks to see if this object is currently listening for a specified event
public function hideTab(String/Number id
Hides the TabPanelItem with the specified id/index
This method is defined by TabPanel.
public function on(String eventName
, Function handler
, [Object options
Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener)
public function purgeListeners()
Removes all listeners for this object
public function removeListener(String eventName
, Function handler
, [Object scope
public function removeTab(String/Number id
This method is defined by TabPanel.
public function setTabWidth(Number The
Resizes all the tabs to the passed width
This method is defined by TabPanel.
public function syncHeight([Number targetHeight
Updates the tab body element to fit the height of the container element
for overflow scrolling
This method is defined by TabPanel.
public function un(String eventName
, Function handler
, [Object scope
Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener)
public function unhideTab(String/Number id
"Unhides" the TabPanelItem with the specified id/index
This method is defined by TabPanel.