Form(Object config ) |
Form |
add(Field field1 , [Field field2 ], [Field etc ]) : Form |
Form |
Add Ext.form components to the current open container (e.g. column, fieldset, etc) |
addButton(String/Object config , Function handler , [Object scope ]) : Ext.Button |
Form |
Adds a button to the footer of the form - this must be called before the form is rendered. |
addEvents(Object object ) : void |
Observable |
Copies any events from the passed object onto this object if they do not already exist. The passed object
must also ... |
addListener(String eventName , Function handler , [Object options ]) : void |
Observable |
Appends an event handler to this component |
applyIfToFields(Object values ) : void |
BasicForm |
Calls Ext.applyIf for all field in this form with the passed object |
applyToFields(Object values ) : void |
BasicForm |
Calls Ext.apply for all field in this form with the passed object |
clearInvalid() : void |
BasicForm |
Clears all invalid messages in this form |
column(Object config , [Field field1 ], [Field field2 ], [Field etc ]) : Column |
Form |
Opens the a new Ext.form.Column container in the layout stack. If fields are passed after the config, the
fields are ... |
container(Object config , [Field field1 ], [Field field2 ], [Field etc ]) : Layout |
Form |
Opens the a new Ext.form.Layout container in the layout stack. If fields are passed after the config, the
fields are ... |
doAction(String actionName , Object options ) : void |
BasicForm |
Performs a predefined action (submit or load) or custom actions you define on this form |
end() : Form |
Form |
Closes the current open container |
fieldset(Object config , [Field field1 ], [Field field2 ], [Field etc ]) : FieldSet |
Form |
Opens the a new Ext.form.FieldSet container in the layout stack. If fields are passed after the config, the
fields ar... |
findField(String id ) : Field |
BasicForm |
Find a Ext.form.Field in this form by id, dataIndex, name or hiddenName |
fireEvent(String eventName , Object... args ) : Boolean |
Observable |
Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name). |
getValues() : Object |
BasicForm |
Returns the fields in this form as an object with key value pair. If multiple fields exist with the same name
they ar... |
hasListener(String eventName ) : Boolean |
Observable |
Checks to see if this object is currently listening for a specified event |
isValid() : Boolean |
BasicForm |
Returns true is client-side validation on the form is successful |
load(Object options ) : void |
BasicForm |
Shortcut to do a load action |
markInvalid(Array/Object errors ) : void |
BasicForm |
Mark fields in this form invalid in bulk. |
on(String eventName , Function handler , [Object options ]) : void |
Observable |
Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener) |
purgeListeners() : void |
Observable |
Removes all listeners for this object |
remove(Field field ) : void |
BasicForm |
Removes a field from the items collection (does NOT remove it's markup) |
removeListener(String eventName , Function handler , [Object scope ]) : void |
Observable |
Removes a listener |
render(String/HTMLElement/Element container ) : Form |
Form |
Render this form into the passed container. This should only be called once! |
reset() : void |
BasicForm |
Resets this form |
setValues(Array/Object values ) : void |
BasicForm |
Set values for fields in this form in bulk. |
start(Object container ) : Form |
Form |
Opens the passed container in the layout stack. The container can be any Ext.form.Layout or subclass. |
submit(Object options ) : void |
BasicForm |
Shortcut to do a submit action |
un(String eventName , Function handler , [Object scope ]) : void |
Observable |
Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener) |
updateRecord(Record record ) : void |
BasicForm |
Persists the values in this form into the passed Ext.data.Record object in a beginEdit/endEdit block. |
baseParams : Object |
BasicForm |
Parameters to pass with all requests. e.g. baseParams: {id: '123', foo: 'bar'} |
buttonAlign : String |
Form |
Valid values are "left," "center" and "right" (defaults to "center") |
errorReader : DataReader |
BasicForm |
An Ext.data.DataReader (e.g. Ext.data.XmlReader to be used to read data when reading validation errors on "submit" ac... |
fileUpload : Boolean |
BasicForm |
Set to true if this form is a file upload (YUI adapter only) |
itemCls : String |
Form |
A css class to apply to the x-form-item of fields. This property cascades to child containers. |
labelAlign : String |
Form |
Valid values are "left," "top" and "right" (defaults to "left"). This property cascades to child containers if not set. |
labelWidth : Number |
Form |
The width of labels. This property cascades to child containers. |
method : String |
BasicForm |
The request method to use (GET or POST) for form actions if one isn't supplied in the action options |
minButtonWidth : Number |
Form |
Minimum width of all buttons (defaults to 75) |
reader : DataReader |
BasicForm |
An Ext.data.DataReader (e.g. Ext.data.XmlReader to be used to read data when executing "load" actions. This is comple... |
timeout : Number |
BasicForm |
url : String |
BasicForm |
The url to use for form actions if one isn't supplied in the action options |
baseParams : Object
Parameters to pass with all requests. e.g. baseParams: {id: '123', foo: 'bar'}
buttonAlign : String
Valid values are "left," "center" and "right" (defaults to "center")
This config option is defined by Form.
errorReader : DataReader
An Ext.data.DataReader (e.g.
Ext.data.XmlReader to be used to read data when reading validation errors on "submit" actions. This is completely optional as there is built-in support for processing JSON.
fileUpload : Boolean
Set to true if this form is a file upload (YUI adapter only)
itemCls : String
A css class to apply to the x-form-item of fields. This property cascades to child containers.
This config option is defined by Form.
labelAlign : String
Valid values are "left," "top" and "right" (defaults to "left"). This property cascades to child containers if not set.
This config option is defined by Form.
labelWidth : Number
The width of labels. This property cascades to child containers.
This config option is defined by Form.
method : String
The request method to use (GET or POST) for form actions if one isn't supplied in the action options
minButtonWidth : Number
Minimum width of all buttons (defaults to 75)
This config option is defined by Form.
reader : DataReader
An Ext.data.DataReader (e.g.
Ext.data.XmlReader to be used to read data when executing "load" actions. This is completely optional as there is built-in support for processing JSON.
url : String
The url to use for form actions if one isn't supplied in the action options