Multiline text field. Can be used as a direct replacement for traditional textarea fields, plus adds
support for auto-sizing.
TextArea(Object config ) |
TextArea |
Creates a new TextArea |
addEvents(Object object ) : void |
Observable |
Copies any events from the passed object onto this object if they do not already exist. The passed object
must also ... |
addListener(String eventName , Function handler , [Object options ]) : void |
Observable |
Appends an event handler to this component |
applyTo(String/HTMLElement/Element el ) : Ext.form.Field |
Field |
Apply the behaviors of this component to an existing element. This is used instead of render(). |
autoSize() : void |
TextArea |
Automatically grows the field to accomodate the height of the text up to the maximum field height allowed.
This only ... |
clearInvalid() : void |
Field |
Clear any invalid styles/messages for this field |
disable() : void |
Component |
Disable this component |
enable() : void |
Component |
Enable this component |
fireEvent(String eventName , Object... args ) : Boolean |
Observable |
Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name). |
focus(Boolean selectText ) : void |
Component |
Try to focus this component |
getEl() : Ext.Element |
Component |
Returns the underlying Ext.Element |
getName() : String |
Field |
Returns the name attribute of the field if available |
getRawValue() : Mixed |
Field |
Returns the raw data value which may or may not be a valid, defined value. To return a normalized value see getValue. |
getValue() : Mixed |
Field |
Returns the normalized data value (undefined or emptyText will be returned as ''). To return the raw value see getVa... |
hasListener(String eventName ) : Boolean |
Observable |
Checks to see if this object is currently listening for a specified event |
hide() : void |
Component |
Hide this component |
isValid() : Boolean |
Field |
Returns whether or not the field value is currently valid |
markInvalid(String msg ) : void |
Field |
Mark this field as invalid |
on(String eventName , Function handler , [Object options ]) : void |
Observable |
Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener) |
purgeListeners() : void |
Observable |
Removes all listeners for this object |
removeListener(String eventName , Function handler , [Object scope ]) : void |
Observable |
Removes a listener |
render(String/HTMLElement/Element container ) : void |
Component |
If this is a lazy rendering component, render it to it's container element |
reset() : void |
Field |
Resets the current field value to the originally-loaded value and clears any validation messages |
selectText([Number start ], [Number end ]) : void |
TextField |
Selects text in this field |
setDisabled(Boolean disabled ) : void |
Component |
Convenience function for setting disabled/enabled by boolean |
setRawValue(Mixed value ) : void |
Field |
Sets the underlying DOM field's value directly, bypassing validation. To set the value with validation see setValue. |
setSize(Number width , Number height ) : void |
Field |
Sets the height and width of the field |
setValue(Mixed value ) : void |
Field |
Sets a data value into the field and validates it. To set the value directly without validation see setRawValue. |
setVisible(Boolean visible ) : void |
Component |
Convenience function to hide or show this component by boolean |
show() : void |
Component |
Show this component |
un(String eventName , Function handler , [Object scope ]) : void |
Observable |
Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener) |
validate() : Boolean |
Field |
Validates the field value |
validateValue(Mixed value ) : Boolean |
TextField |
Validates a value according to the field's validation rules and marks the field as invalid
if the validation fails |
autosize : (Ext.form.Field this , Number width ) |
TextField |
Fires when the autosize function is triggered. The field may or may not have actually changed size
according to the ... |
beforedestroy : (Ext.Component this ) |
Component |
Fires before the component is destroyed |
beforehide : (Ext.Component this ) |
Component |
Fires before the component is hidden |
beforerender : (Ext.Component this ) |
Component |
Fires before the component is rendered |
beforeshow : (Ext.Component this ) |
Component |
Fires before the component is shown |
blur : (Ext.form.Field this ) |
Field |
Fires when |
change : (Ext.form.Field this , Mixed value , Mixed value ) |
Field |
Fires just before the field blurs if the field value has changed |
destroy : (Ext.Component this ) |
Component |
Fires after the component is destroyed |
disable : (Ext.Component this ) |
Component |
Fires after the component is disabled |
enable : (Ext.Component this ) |
Component |
Fires after the component is enabled |
focus : (Ext.form.Field this ) |
Field |
Fires when this field receives input focus |
hide : (Ext.Component this ) |
Component |
Fires after the component is hidden |
invalid : (Ext.form.Field this , String msg ) |
Field |
Fires after the field has been marked as invalid |
render : (Ext.Component this ) |
Component |
Fires after the component is rendered |
show : (Ext.Component this ) |
Component |
Fires after the component is shown |
specialkey : (Ext.form.Field this , Ext.EventObject e ) |
Field |
Fires when any key related to navigation (arrows, tab, enter, esc, etc.) is pressed. You can check
Ext.EventObject.g... |
valid : (Ext.form.Field this ) |
Field |
Fires after the field has been validated with no errors |
allowBlank : Boolean |
TextField |
False to validate that the value length > 0 (defaults to true) |
autoCreate : String/Object |
Field |
A DomHelper element spec, or true for a default element spec (defaults to {tag: "input", type: "text", size: "20", au... |
blankText : String |
TextField |
Error text to display if the allow blank validation fails (defaults to "This field is required") |
disableKeyFilter : Boolean |
TextField |
True to disable input keystroke filtering (defaults to false) |
emptyClass : String |
TextField |
The CSS class to apply to an empty field to style the emptyText (defaults to 'x-form-empty-field'). This class is aut... |
emptyText : String |
TextField |
The default text to display in an empty field (defaults to null). |
fieldClass : String |
Field |
The default CSS class for the field (defaults to "x-form-field") |
focusClass : String |
Field |
The CSS class to use when the field receives focus (defaults to "x-form-focus") |
grow : Boolean |
TextField |
True if this field should automatically grow and shrink to it's content |
growMax : Number |
TextArea |
The maximum height to allow when grow = true (defaults to 1000) |
growMin : Number |
TextArea |
The minimum height to allow when grow = true (defaults to 60) |
inputType : String |
Field |
The type attribute for input fields - e.g. radio, text, password. (defaults to "text") |
invalidClass : String |
Field |
The CSS class to use when marking a field invalid (defaults to "x-form-invalid") |
invalidText : String |
Field |
The error text to use when marking a field invalid and no message is provided (defaults to "The value in this field i... |
maskRe : String |
TextField |
An input mask regular expression that will be used to filter keystrokes that don't match (defaults to null) |
maxLength : Number |
TextField |
Maximum input field length allowed (defaults to Number.MAX_VALUE) |
maxLengthText : String |
TextField |
Error text to display if the maximum length validation fails (defaults to "The maximum length for this field is {maxL... |
minLength : Number |
TextField |
Minimum input field length required (defaults to 0) |
minLengthText : String |
TextField |
Error text to display if the minimum length validation fails (defaults to "The minimum length for this field is {minL... |
msgFx : String |
Field |
Experimental The effect used when displaying a validation message under the field (defaults to 'normal'). |
msgTarget : String |
Field |
The location where error text should display. Should be one of the following values (defaults to 'qtip'): Value Desc... |
preventScrollbars : Boolean |
TextArea |
True to prevent scrollbars from appearing regardless of how much text is in the field (equivalent to setting overflow... |
regex : RegExp |
TextField |
A JavaScript RegExp object to be tested against the field value during validation (defaults to null). If available, t... |
regexText : String |
TextField |
The error text to display if regex is used and the test fails during validation (defaults to "") |
selectOnFocus : Boolean |
TextField |
True to automatically select any existing field text when the field receives input focus (defaults to false) |
validationDelay : Number |
Field |
The length of time in milliseconds after user input begins until validation is initiated (defaults to 250) |
validationEvent : String/Boolean |
Field |
The event that should initiate field validation. Set to false to disable automatic validation. (defaults to "keyup") |
validator : Function |
TextField |
A custom validation function to be called during field validation (defaults to null). If available, this function wil... |
vtype : String |
TextField |
A validation type name as defined in Ext.form.VTypes (defaults to null) |
allowBlank : Boolean
False to validate that the value length > 0 (defaults to true)
autoCreate : String/Object
A DomHelper element spec, or true for a default element spec (defaults to {tag: "input", type: "text", size: "20", autocomplete: "off"})
This config option is defined by
blankText : String
Error text to display if the allow blank validation fails (defaults to "This field is required")
disableKeyFilter : Boolean
True to disable input keystroke filtering (defaults to false)
emptyClass : String
The CSS class to apply to an empty field to style the
emptyText (defaults to 'x-form-empty-field'). This class is automatically added and removed as needed depending on the current field value.
emptyText : String
The default text to display in an empty field (defaults to null).
fieldClass : String
The default CSS class for the field (defaults to "x-form-field")
This config option is defined by
focusClass : String
The CSS class to use when the field receives focus (defaults to "x-form-focus")
This config option is defined by
grow : Boolean
True if this field should automatically grow and shrink to it's content
growMax : Number
The maximum height to allow when grow = true (defaults to 1000)
This config option is defined by TextArea.
growMin : Number
The minimum height to allow when grow = true (defaults to 60)
This config option is defined by TextArea.
inputType : String
The type attribute for input fields - e.g. radio, text, password. (defaults to "text")
This config option is defined by
invalidClass : String
The CSS class to use when marking a field invalid (defaults to "x-form-invalid")
This config option is defined by
invalidText : String
The error text to use when marking a field invalid and no message is provided (defaults to "The value in this field is invalid")
This config option is defined by
maskRe : String
An input mask regular expression that will be used to filter keystrokes that don't match (defaults to null)
maxLength : Number
Maximum input field length allowed (defaults to Number.MAX_VALUE)
maxLengthText : String
Error text to display if the maximum length validation fails (defaults to "The maximum length for this field is {maxLength}")
minLength : Number
Minimum input field length required (defaults to 0)
minLengthText : String
Error text to display if the minimum length validation fails (defaults to "The minimum length for this field is {minLength}")
msgFx : String
Experimental The effect used when displaying a validation message under the field (defaults to 'normal').
This config option is defined by
msgTarget : String
The location where error text should display. Should be one of the following values (defaults to 'qtip'):
Value Description ----------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- qtip Display a quick tip when the user hovers over the field title Display a default browser title attribute popup under Add a block div beneath the field containing the error text side Add an error icon to the right of the field with a popup on hover [element id] Add the error text directly to the innerHTML of the specified element
This config option is defined by
preventScrollbars : Boolean
True to prevent scrollbars from appearing regardless of how much text is in the field (equivalent to setting overflow: hidden, defaults to false)
This config option is defined by TextArea.
regex : RegExp
A JavaScript RegExp object to be tested against the field value during validation (defaults to null). If available, this regex will be evaluated only after the basic validators all return true, and will be passed the current field value. If the test fails, the field will be marked invalid using
regexText : String
The error text to display if
regex is used and the test fails during validation (defaults to "")
selectOnFocus : Boolean
True to automatically select any existing field text when the field receives input focus (defaults to false)
validationDelay : Number
The length of time in milliseconds after user input begins until validation is initiated (defaults to 250)
This config option is defined by
validationEvent : String/Boolean
The event that should initiate field validation. Set to false to disable automatic validation. (defaults to "keyup")
This config option is defined by
validator : Function
A custom validation function to be called during field validation (defaults to null). If available, this function will be called only after the basic validators all return true, and will be passed the current field value and expected to return boolean true if the value is valid or a string error message if invalid.