Class for creating and editable grid.
allowTextSelectionPattern : Object |
Grid |
A regular expression defining tagNames
allowed to have text selection (Defaults to /INPUT|TEXTAREA|SELECT/i ) |
autoExpandColumn : String |
Grid |
The id of a column in this grid that should expand to fill unused space |
autoExpandMax : Number |
Grid |
The maximum width the autoExpandColumn can have (if enabled) |
autoExpandMin : Number |
Grid |
The minimum width the autoExpandColumn can have (if enabled) |
autoHeight : Boolean |
Grid |
True to fit the height of the grid container to the height of the data (defaults to false) |
autoSizeColumns : Boolean |
Grid |
True to automatically resize the columns to fit their content on initial render |
autoSizeHeaders : Boolean |
Grid |
True to measure headers with column data when auto sizing columns |
ddText : String |
Grid |
Configures the text is the drag proxy (defaults to "%0 selected row(s)").
%0 is replaced with the number of selected... |
enableColumnHide : Boolean |
Grid |
True to enable hiding of columns with the header context menu |
enableColumnMove : Boolean |
Grid |
True to enable drag and drop reorder of columns |
enableDragDrop : Boolean |
Grid |
True to enable drag and drop of rows |
enableRowHeightSync : Boolean |
Grid |
True to manually sync row heights across locked and not locked rows |
loadMask : Boolean/Object |
Grid |
A Ext.LoadMask config or true to mask the grid while loading (defaults to false) |
maxRowsToMeasure : Number |
Grid |
If autoSizeColumns is on, maxRowsToMeasure can be used to limit the number of
rows measured to get a columns size - d... |
minColumnWidth : Number |
Grid |
The minimum width a column can be resized to. (Defaults to 25) |
monitorWindowResize : Object |
Grid |
True to autoSize the grid when the window resizes - defaults to true |
stripeRows : Boolean |
Grid |
True to stripe the rows (default is true) |
trackMouseOver : Boolean |
Grid |
True to highlight rows when the mouse is over (default is false) |
view : Object |
Grid |
The view used by the grid. This can be set before a call to render().
Defaults to a Ext.grid.GridView or PagedGridVi... |
addEvents(Object object ) : void |
Observable |
Copies any events from the passed object onto this object if they do not already exist. The passed object
must also ... |
addListener(String eventName , Function handler , [Object options ]) : void |
Observable |
Appends an event handler to this component |
autoSize() : void |
Grid |
Causes the grid to manually recalculate its dimensions. Generally this is done automatically,
but if manual update is... |
destroy(Boolean removeEl ) : void |
Grid |
Destroy this grid. |
fireEvent(String eventName , Object... args ) : Boolean |
Observable |
Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name). |
getColumnModel() : ColumnModel |
Grid |
Returns the grid's ColumnModel. |
getDataSource() : DataSource |
Grid |
Returns the grid's DataSource. |
getDragDropText() : String |
Grid |
Called to get grid's drag proxy text, by default returns this.ddText. |
getSelectionModel() : SelectionModel |
Grid |
Returns the grid's SelectionModel. |
getView() : GridView |
Grid |
Returns the grid's GridView object. |
hasListener(String eventName ) : Boolean |
Observable |
Checks to see if this object is currently listening for a specified event |
on(String eventName , Function handler , [Object options ]) : void |
Observable |
Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener) |
purgeListeners() : void |
Observable |
Removes all listeners for this object |
removeListener(String eventName , Function handler , [Object scope ]) : void |
Observable |
Removes a listener |
render() : Ext.grid.Grid |
Grid |
Called once after all setup has been completed and the grid is ready to be rendered. |
startEditing(Number rowIndex , Number colIndex ) : void |
EditorGrid |
Starts editing the specified for the specified row/column |
stopEditing() : void |
EditorGrid |
Stops any active editing |
un(String eventName , Function handler , [Object scope ]) : void |
Observable |
Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener) |
afteredit : (Object e ) |
EditorGrid |
Fires after a cell is edited.
grid - This grid
record - The record being edited
field - The field name being edited... |
beforeedit : (Object e ) |
EditorGrid |
Fires before cell editing is triggered. The edit event object has the following properties
grid - This grid
record ... |
bodyscroll : (Number scrollLeft , Number scrollTop ) |
Grid |
Fires when the body element is scrolled |
cellclick : (Grid this , Number rowIndex , Number columnIndex , Ext.EventObject e ) |
Grid |
Fires when a cell is clicked |
cellcontextmenu : (Grid this , Number rowIndex , Number cellIndex , Ext.EventObject e ) |
Grid |
Fires when a cell is right clicked |
celldblclick : (Grid this , Number rowIndex , Number columnIndex , Ext.EventObject e ) |
Grid |
Fires when a cell is double clicked |
click : (Ext.EventObject e ) |
Grid |
The raw click event for the entire grid. |
columnmove : (Number oldIndex , Number newIndex ) |
Grid |
Fires when the user moves a column |
columnresize : (Number columnIndex , Number newSize ) |
Grid |
Fires when the user resizes a column |
contextmenu : (Ext.EventObject e ) |
Grid |
The raw contextmenu event for the entire grid. |
dblclick : (Ext.EventObject e ) |
Grid |
The raw dblclick event for the entire grid. |
dragdrop : (Grid this , Ext.GridDD dd , String targetId , event e ) |
Grid |
Fires when dragged row(s) are dropped on a valid DD target |
dragenter : (Grid this , Ext.GridDD dd , String targetId , event e ) |
Grid |
Fires when the dragged row(s) first cross another DD target while being dragged |
dragout : (Grid this , Ext.GridDD dd , String targetId , event e ) |
Grid |
Fires when the dragged row(s) leave another DD target while being dragged |
dragover : (Grid this , Ext.GridDD dd , String targetId , event e ) |
Grid |
Fires while row(s) are being dragged. "targetId" is the id of the Yahoo.util.DD object the selected rows are being dr... |
enddrag : (Grid this , Ext.GridDD dd , event e ) |
Grid |
Fires when a drag operation is complete |
headerclick : (Grid this , Number columnIndex , Ext.EventObject e ) |
Grid |
Fires when a header is clicked |
headercontextmenu : (Grid this , Number columnIndex , Ext.EventObject e ) |
Grid |
Fires when a header is right clicked |
headerdblclick : (Grid this , Number rowIndex , Number columnIndex , Ext.EventObject e ) |
Grid |
Fires when a header cell is double clicked |
keydown : (Ext.EventObject e ) |
Grid |
The raw keydown event for the entire grid. |
keypress : (Ext.EventObject e ) |
Grid |
The raw keypress event for the entire grid. |
mousedown : (Ext.EventObject e ) |
Grid |
The raw mousedown event for the entire grid. |
mouseout : (Ext.EventObject e ) |
Grid |
The raw mouseout event for the entire grid. |
mouseover : (Ext.EventObject e ) |
Grid |
The raw mouseover event for the entire grid. |
mouseup : (Ext.EventObject e ) |
Grid |
The raw mouseup event for the entire grid. |
rowclick : (Grid this , Number rowIndex , Ext.EventObject e ) |
Grid |
Fires when a row is clicked |
rowcontextmenu : (Grid this , Number rowIndex , Ext.EventObject e ) |
Grid |
Fires when a row is right clicked |
rowdblclick : (Grid this , Number rowIndex , Ext.EventObject e ) |
Grid |
Fires when a row is double clicked |
startdrag : (Grid this , Ext.GridDD dd , event e ) |
Grid |
Fires when row(s) start being dragged |
validateedit : (Object e ) |
EditorGrid |
Fires after a cell is edited, but before the value is set in the record. Return false
to cancel the change. The edit ... |
public Object allowTextSelectionPattern
A regular expression defining tagNames
allowed to have text selection (Defaults to /INPUT|TEXTAREA|SELECT/i
This property is defined by
public String autoExpandColumn
The id of a column in this grid that should expand to fill unused space
This property is defined by
public Number autoExpandMax
The maximum width the autoExpandColumn can have (if enabled)
This property is defined by
public Number autoExpandMin
The minimum width the autoExpandColumn can have (if enabled)
This property is defined by
public Boolean autoHeight
True to fit the height of the grid container to the height of the data (defaults to false)
This property is defined by
public Boolean autoSizeColumns
True to automatically resize the columns to fit their content on initial render
This property is defined by
public Boolean autoSizeHeaders
True to measure headers with column data when auto sizing columns
This property is defined by
public String ddText
Configures the text is the drag proxy (defaults to "%0 selected row(s)").
%0 is replaced with the number of selected rows.
This property is defined by
public Boolean enableColumnHide
True to enable hiding of columns with the header context menu
This property is defined by
public Boolean enableColumnMove
True to enable drag and drop reorder of columns
This property is defined by
public Boolean enableDragDrop
True to enable drag and drop of rows
This property is defined by
public Boolean enableRowHeightSync
True to manually sync row heights across locked and not locked rows
This property is defined by
public Boolean/Object loadMask
A Ext.LoadMask config or true to mask the grid while loading (defaults to false)
This property is defined by
public Number maxRowsToMeasure
If autoSizeColumns is on, maxRowsToMeasure can be used to limit the number of
rows measured to get a columns size - defaults to 0 (all rows).
This property is defined by
public Number minColumnWidth
The minimum width a column can be resized to. (Defaults to 25)
This property is defined by
public Object monitorWindowResize
True to autoSize the grid when the window resizes - defaults to true
This property is defined by
public Boolean stripeRows
True to stripe the rows (default is true)
This property is defined by
public Boolean trackMouseOver
True to highlight rows when the mouse is over (default is false)
This property is defined by
public Object view
The view used by the grid. This can be set before a call to render().
Defaults to a Ext.grid.GridView or PagedGridView depending on the data model.
This property is defined by