Adds a menu item that contains a checkbox by default, but can also be part of a radio group.
CheckItem(Object config ) |
CheckItem |
Creates a new CheckItem |
addEvents(Object object ) : void |
Observable |
Copies any events from the passed object onto this object if they do not already exist. The passed object
must also ... |
addListener(String eventName , Function handler , [Object options ]) : void |
Observable |
Appends an event handler to this component |
disable() : void |
Component |
Disable this component |
enable() : void |
Component |
Enable this component |
fireEvent(String eventName , Object... args ) : Boolean |
Observable |
Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name). |
focus(Boolean selectText ) : void |
Component |
Try to focus this component |
getEl() : Ext.Element |
Component |
Returns the underlying Ext.Element |
hasListener(String eventName ) : Boolean |
Observable |
Checks to see if this object is currently listening for a specified event |
hide() : void |
Component |
Hide this component |
on(String eventName , Function handler , [Object options ]) : void |
Observable |
Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener) |
purgeListeners() : void |
Observable |
Removes all listeners for this object |
removeListener(String eventName , Function handler , [Object scope ]) : void |
Observable |
Removes a listener |
render(String/HTMLElement/Element container ) : void |
Component |
If this is a lazy rendering component, render it to it's container element |
setChecked(Boolean checked , [Boolean suppressEvent ]) : void |
CheckItem |
Set the checked state of this item |
setDisabled(Boolean disabled ) : void |
Component |
Convenience function for setting disabled/enabled by boolean |
setText(String text ) : void |
Item |
Sets the text to display in this menu item |
setVisible(Boolean visible ) : void |
Component |
Convenience function to hide or show this component by boolean |
show() : void |
Component |
Show this component |
un(String eventName , Function handler , [Object scope ]) : void |
Observable |
Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener) |
activate : ( this ) |
BaseItem |
Fires when this item is activated |
beforecheckchange : ( this , Boolean checked ) |
CheckItem |
Fires before the checked value is set, providing an opportunity to cancel if needed |
beforedestroy : (Ext.Component this ) |
Component |
Fires before the component is destroyed |
beforehide : (Ext.Component this ) |
Component |
Fires before the component is hidden |
beforerender : (Ext.Component this ) |
Component |
Fires before the component is rendered |
beforeshow : (Ext.Component this ) |
Component |
Fires before the component is shown |
checkchange : ( this , Boolean checked ) |
CheckItem |
Fires after the checked value has been set |
click : ( this , Ext.EventObject e ) |
BaseItem |
Fires when this item is clicked |
deactivate : ( this ) |
BaseItem |
Fires when this item is deactivated |
destroy : (Ext.Component this ) |
Component |
Fires after the component is destroyed |
disable : (Ext.Component this ) |
Component |
Fires after the component is disabled |
enable : (Ext.Component this ) |
Component |
Fires after the component is enabled |
hide : (Ext.Component this ) |
Component |
Fires after the component is hidden |
render : (Ext.Component this ) |
Component |
Fires after the component is rendered |
show : (Ext.Component this ) |
Component |
Fires after the component is shown |
activeClass : String |
BaseItem |
The CSS class to use when the item becomes activated (defaults to "x-menu-item-active") |
canActivate : Boolean |
BaseItem |
True if this item can be visually activated (defaults to false) |
checked : Boolean |
CheckItem |
True to initialize this checkbox as checked (defaults to false). Note that if this checkbox is part of a radio group ... |
group : String |
CheckItem |
All check items with the same group name will automatically be grouped into a single-select radio button group (defau... |
groupClass : String |
CheckItem |
The default CSS class to use for radio group check items (defaults to "x-menu-group-item") |
handler : Function |
BaseItem |
A function that will handle the click event of this menu item (defaults to undefined) |
hideDelay : Number |
BaseItem |
Length of time in milliseconds to wait before hiding after a click (defaults to 100) |
hideOnClick : Boolean |
BaseItem |
True to hide the containing menu after this item is clicked (defaults to true) |
icon : String |
Item |
The path to an icon to display in this menu item (defaults to Ext.BLANK_IMAGE_URL) |
itemCls : String |
CheckItem |
The default CSS class to use for check items (defaults to "x-menu-item x-menu-check-item") |
activeClass : String
The CSS class to use when the item becomes activated (defaults to "x-menu-item-active")
This config option is defined by
canActivate : Boolean
True if this item can be visually activated (defaults to false)
This config option is defined by
checked : Boolean
True to initialize this checkbox as checked (defaults to false). Note that if this checkbox is part of a radio group (group = true) only the last item in the group that is initialized with checked = true will be rendered as checked.
This config option is defined by CheckItem.
group : String
All check items with the same group name will automatically be grouped into a single-select radio button group (defaults to '')
This config option is defined by CheckItem.
groupClass : String
The default CSS class to use for radio group check items (defaults to "x-menu-group-item")
This config option is defined by CheckItem.
handler : Function
A function that will handle the click event of this menu item (defaults to undefined)
This config option is defined by
hideDelay : Number
Length of time in milliseconds to wait before hiding after a click (defaults to 100)
This config option is defined by
hideOnClick : Boolean
True to hide the containing menu after this item is clicked (defaults to true)
This config option is defined by
icon : String
The path to an icon to display in this menu item (defaults to Ext.BLANK_IMAGE_URL)
This config option is defined by
itemCls : String
The default CSS class to use for check items (defaults to "x-menu-item x-menu-check-item")
This config option is defined by CheckItem.