* @class Ext.Template
* Represents an HTML fragment template. Templates can be precompiled for greater performance.
* For a list of available format functions, see {@link Ext.util.Format}.
var t = new Ext.Template(
'<div name="{id}">',
'<span class="{cls}">{name:trim} {value:ellipsis(10)}</span>',
t.append('some-element', {id: 'myid', name: 'foo', value: 'bar'});
* For more information see <a href="http://www.jackslocum.com/yui/2006/10/06/domhelper-create-elements-using-dom-html-fragments-or-templates/">this blog post with examples</a>.
* <br>
* @constructor
* @param {String/Array} html The HTML fragment or an array of fragments to join('') or multiple arguments to join('')
Ext.Template = function(html){
if(html instanceof Array){
html = html.join("");
}else if(arguments.length > 1){
html = Array.prototype.join.call(arguments, "");
this.html = html;
Ext.Template.prototype = {
* Returns an HTML fragment of this template with the specified values applied
* @param {Object} values The template values. Can be an array if your params are numeric (i.e. {0}) or an object (i.e. {foo: 'bar'})
* @return {String}
applyTemplate : function(values){
return this.compiled(values);
var useF = this.disableFormats !== true;
var fm = Ext.util.Format, tpl = this;
var fn = function(m, name, format, args){
if(format && useF){
if(format.substr(0, 5) == "this."){
return tpl.call(format.substr(5), values[name]);
// quoted values are required for strings in compiled templates,
// but for non compiled we need to strip them
// quoted reversed for jsmin
var re = /^\s*['"](.*)["']\s*$/;
args = args.split(',');
for(var i = 0, len = args.length; i < len; i++){
args[i] = args[i].replace(re, "$1");
args = [values[name]].concat(args);
args = [values[name]];
return fm[format].apply(fm, args);
return values[name] !== undefined ? values[name] : "";
return this.html.replace(this.re, fn);
* Sets the html used as the template and optionally compiles it
* @param {String} html
* @param {Boolean} compile (optional)
* @return {Template} this
set : function(html, compile){
this.html = html;
this.compiled = null;
return this;
* True to disable format functions (default to false)
* @type Boolean
disableFormats : false,
* The regular expression used to match template variables
* @type RegExp
* @property
re : /\{([\w-]+)(?:\:([\w\.]*)(?:\((.*?)?\))?)?\}/g,
* Compiles the template into an internal function, eliminating the RegEx overhead
compile : function(){
var fm = Ext.util.Format;
var useF = this.disableFormats !== true;
var sep = Ext.isGecko ? "+" : ",";
var fn = function(m, name, format, args){
if(format && useF){
args = args ? ',' + args : "";
if(format.substr(0, 5) != "this."){
format = "fm." + format + '(';
format = 'this.call("'+ format.substr(5) + '", ';
args = "";
args= '', format = "(values['" + name + "'] == undefined ? '' : ";
return "'"+ sep + format + "values['" + name + "']" + args + ")"+sep+"'";
var body;
// branched to use + in gecko and [].join() in others
body = "this.compiled = function(values){ return '" +
this.html.replace(/(\r\n|\n)/g, '\\n').replace("'", "\\'").replace(this.re, fn) +
body = ["this.compiled = function(values){ return ['"];
body.push(this.html.replace(/(\r\n|\n)/g, '\\n').replace("'", "\\'").replace(this.re, fn));
body = body.join('');
return this;
// private function used to call members
call : function(fnName, value){
return this[fnName](value);
* Applies the supplied values to the template and inserts the new node(s) before el
* @param {String/HTMLElement/Element} el The context element
* @param {Object} values The template values. Can be an array if your params are numeric (i.e. {0}) or an object (i.e. {foo: 'bar'})
* @param {Boolean} returnElement (optional) true to return a Ext.Element
* @return {HTMLElement} The new node
insertBefore: function(el, values, returnElement){
el = Ext.getDom(el);
var newNode = Ext.DomHelper.insertHtml("beforeBegin", el, this.applyTemplate(values));
return returnElement ? Ext.get(newNode, true) : newNode;
* Applies the supplied values to the template and inserts the new node(s) after el
* @param {String/HTMLElement/Element} el The context element
* @param {Object} values The template values. Can be an array if your params are numeric (i.e. {0}) or an object (i.e. {foo: 'bar'})
* @param {Boolean} returnElement (optional) true to return a Ext.Element
* @return {HTMLElement} The new node
insertAfter : function(el, values, returnElement){
el = Ext.getDom(el);
var newNode = Ext.DomHelper.insertHtml("afterEnd", el, this.applyTemplate(values));
return returnElement ? Ext.get(newNode, true) : newNode;
* Applies the supplied values to the template and append the new node(s) to el
* @param {String/HTMLElement/Element} el The context element
* @param {Object} values The template values. Can be an array if your params are numeric (i.e. {0}) or an object (i.e. {foo: 'bar'})
* @param {Boolean} returnElement (optional) true to return a Ext.Element
* @return {HTMLElement} The new node
append : function(el, values, returnElement){
el = Ext.getDom(el);
var newNode = Ext.DomHelper.insertHtml("beforeEnd", el, this.applyTemplate(values));
return returnElement ? Ext.get(newNode, true) : newNode;
* Applies the supplied values to the template and overwrites the content of el with the new node(s)
* @param {String/HTMLElement/Element} el The context element
* @param {Object} values The template values. Can be an array if your params are numeric (i.e. {0}) or an object (i.e. {foo: 'bar'})
* @param {Boolean} returnElement (optional) true to return a Ext.Element
* @return {HTMLElement} The new node
overwrite : function(el, values, returnElement){
el = Ext.getDom(el);
el.innerHTML = this.applyTemplate(values);
return returnElement ? Ext.get(el.firstChild, true) : el.firstChild;
* Alias for applyTemplate
* @method
Ext.Template.prototype.apply = Ext.Template.prototype.applyTemplate;
// backwards compat
Ext.DomHelper.Template = Ext.Template;
* Creates a template from the passed element's value (display:none textarea, preferred) or innerHTML
* @param {String/HTMLElement} el
* @static
Ext.Template.from = function(el){
el = Ext.getDom(el);
return new Ext.Template(el.value || el.innerHTML);
* @class Ext.MasterTemplate
* @extends Ext.Template
* Provides a template that can have child templates. The syntax is:
var t = new Ext.MasterTemplate(
'<select name="{name}">',
'<tpl name="options"><option value="{value:trim}">{text:ellipsis(10)}</option></tpl>',
t.add('options', {value: 'foo', text: 'bar'});
// or you can add multiple child elements in one shot
t.addAll('options', [
{value: 'foo', text: 'bar'},
{value: 'foo2', text: 'bar2'},
{value: 'foo3', text: 'bar3'}
// then append, applying the master template values
t.append('my-form', {name: 'my-select'});
* A name attribute for the child template is not required if you have only one child
* template or you want to refer to them by index.
Ext.MasterTemplate = function(){
Ext.MasterTemplate.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
this.originalHtml = this.html;
var st = {};
var m, re = this.subTemplateRe;
re.lastIndex = 0;
var subIndex = 0;
while(m = re.exec(this.html)){
var name = m[1], content = m[2];
st[subIndex] = {
name: name,
index: subIndex,
buffer: [],
tpl : new Ext.Template(content)
st[name] = st[subIndex];
st[subIndex].tpl.call = this.call.createDelegate(this);
this.subCount = subIndex;
this.subs = st;
Ext.extend(Ext.MasterTemplate, Ext.Template, {
* The regular expression used to match sub templates
* @type RegExp
* @property
subTemplateRe : /<tpl(?:\sname="([\w-]+)")?>((?:.|\n)*?)<\/tpl>/gi,
* Applies the passed values to a child template.
* @param {String/Number} name (optional) The name or index of the child template
* @param {Array/Object} values The values to be applied to the template
* @return {MasterTemplate} this
add : function(name, values){
if(arguments.length == 1){
values = arguments[0];
name = 0;
var s = this.subs[name];
s.buffer[s.buffer.length] = s.tpl.apply(values);
return this;
* Applies all the passed values to a child template.
* @param {String/Number} name (optional) The name or index of the child template
* @param {Array} values The values to be applied to the template, this should be an array of objects.
* @param {Boolean} reset (optional) True to reset the template first
* @return {MasterTemplate} this
fill : function(name, values, reset){
var a = arguments;
if(a.length == 1 || (a.length == 2 && typeof a[1] == "boolean")){
values = a[0];
name = 0;
reset = a[1];
for(var i = 0, len = values.length; i < len; i++){
this.add(name, values[i]);
return this;
* Resets the template for reuse
* @return {MasterTemplate} this
reset : function(){
var s = this.subs;
for(var i = 0; i < this.subCount; i++){
s[i].buffer = [];
return this;
applyTemplate : function(values){
var s = this.subs;
var replaceIndex = -1;
this.html = this.originalHtml.replace(this.subTemplateRe, function(m, name){
return s[++replaceIndex].buffer.join("");
return Ext.MasterTemplate.superclass.applyTemplate.call(this, values);
apply : function(){
return this.applyTemplate.apply(this, arguments);
compile : function(){return this;}
* Alias for fill().
* @method
Ext.MasterTemplate.prototype.addAll = Ext.MasterTemplate.prototype.fill;
* Creates a template from the passed element's value (display:none textarea, preferred) or innerHTML. e.g.
* var tpl = Ext.MasterTemplate.from('element-id');
* @param {String/HTMLElement} el
* @static
Ext.MasterTemplate.from = function(el){
el = Ext.getDom(el);
return new Ext.MasterTemplate(el.value || el.innerHTML);
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