
 * @class Ext.tree.TreePanel
 * @extends
 * @cfg {Boolean} rootVisible false to hide the root node (defaults to true)
 * @cfg {Boolean} lines false to disable tree lines (defaults to true)
 * @cfg {Boolean} enableDD true to enable drag and drop
 * @cfg {Boolean} enableDrag true to enable just drag
 * @cfg {Boolean} enableDrop true to enable just drop
 * @cfg {Object} dragConfig Custom config to pass to the {@link Ext.tree.TreeDragZone} instance
 * @cfg {Object} dropConfig Custom config to pass to the {@link Ext.tree.TreeDropZone} instance
 * @cfg {String} ddGroup The DD group this TreePanel belongs to
 * @cfg {String} ddAppendOnly True if the tree should only allow append drops (use for trees which are sorted)
 * @cfg {Boolean} ddScroll true to enable YUI body scrolling
 * @cfg {Boolean} containerScroll true to register this container with ScrollManager
 * @cfg {Boolean} hlDrop false to disable node highlight on drop (defaults to true)
 * @cfg {String} hlColor The color of the node highlight (defaults to C3DAF9)
 * @cfg {Boolean} animate true to enable animated expand/collapse
 * @cfg {Boolean} singleExpand true if only 1 node per branch may be expanded
 * @cfg {Boolean} selModel A tree selection model to use with this TreePanel (defaults to a {@link Ext.tree.DefaultSelectionModel})
 * @cfg {Boolean} loader A TreeLoader for use with this TreePanel
 * @constructor
 * @param {String/HTMLElement/Element} el The container element
 * @param {Object} config
Ext.tree.TreePanel = function(el, config){;
   this.el = Ext.get(el);
    * Read-only. The id of the container element becomes this TreePanel's id.
    */ =;
   Ext.apply(this, config);
        * @event beforeload
        * Fires before a node is loaded, return false to cancel
        * @param {Node} node The node being loaded
        "beforeload" : true,
        * @event load
        * Fires when a node is loaded
        * @param {Node} node The node that was loaded
        "load" : true,
        * @event textchange
        * Fires when the text for a node is changed
        * @param {Node} node The node
        * @param {String} text The new text
        * @param {String} oldText The old text
        "textchange" : true,
        * @event expand
        * Fires before a node is expanded, return false to cancel.
        * @param {Node} node The node
        * @param {Boolean} deep
        * @param {Boolean} anim
        "beforeexpand" : true,
        * @event expand
        * Fires before a node is collapsed, return false to cancel.
        * @param {Node} node The node
        * @param {Boolean} deep
        * @param {Boolean} anim
        "beforecollapse" : true,
        * @event expand
        * Fires when a node is expanded
        * @param {Node} node The node
        "expand" : true,
        * @event textchange
        * Fires when the disabled status of a node changes
        * @param {Node} node The node
        * @param {Boolean} disabled
        "disabledchange" : true,
        * @event textchange
        * Fires when a node is collapsed
        * @param {Node} node The node
        "collapse" : true,
        * @event beforeclick
        * Fires before click processing on a node. Return false to cancel the default action.
        * @param {Node} node The node
        * @param {Ext.EventObject} e The event object
        * @event click
        * Fires when a node is clicked
        * @param {Node} node The node
        * @param {Ext.EventObject} e The event object
        * @event dblclick
        * Fires when a node is double clicked
        * @param {Node} node The node
        * @param {Ext.EventObject} e The event object
        * @event contextmenu
        * Fires when a node is right clicked
        * @param {Node} node The node
        * @param {Ext.EventObject} e The event object
        * @event beforechildrenrendered
        * Fires right before the child nodes for a node are rendered
        * @param {Node} node The node
	     * @event startdrag
	     * Fires when a node starts being dragged 
	     * @param {Ext.tree.TreePanel} this
	     * @param {Ext.tree.TreeNode} node
	     * @param {event} e The raw browser event
	    "startdrag" : true,
	     * @event enddrag
	     * Fires when a drag operation is complete
	     * @param {Ext.tree.TreePanel} this
	     * @param {Ext.tree.TreeNode} node
	     * @param {event} e The raw browser event
	    "enddrag" : true,
	     * @event dragdrop
	     * Fires when a dragged node is dropped on a valid DD target 
	     * @param {Ext.tree.TreePanel} this
	     * @param {Ext.tree.TreeNode} node
	     * @param {DD} dd The dd it was dropped on
	     * @param {event} e The raw browser event
	    "dragdrop" : true,
	     * @event beforenodedrop
	     * Fires when a DD object is dropped on a node in this tree for preprocessing. Return false to cancel the drop. The dropEvent
	     * passed to handlers has the following properties:<br />
	     * <ul style="padding:5px;padding-left:16px;">
	     * <li>tree - The TreePanel</li>
	     * <li>target - The node being targeted for the drop</li>
	     * <li>data - The drag data from the drag source</li>
	     * <li>point - The point of the drop - append, above or below</li>
	     * <li>source - The drag source</li>
	     * <li>rawEvent - Raw mouse event</li>
	     * <li>dropNode - Drop node(s) provided by the source <b>OR</b> you can supply node(s) 
	     * to be inserted by setting them on this object.</li>
	     * <li>cancel - Set this to true to cancel the drop.</li>
	     * </ul>
	     * @param {Object} dropEvent
	    "beforenodedrop" : true,
	     * @event nodedrop
	     * Fires after a DD object is dropped on a node in this tree. The dropEvent
	     * passed to handlers has the following properties:<br />
	     * <ul style="padding:5px;padding-left:16px;">
	     * <li>tree - The TreePanel</li>
	     * <li>target - The node being targeted for the drop</li>
	     * <li>data - The drag data from the drag source</li>
	     * <li>point - The point of the drop - append, above or below</li>
	     * <li>source - The drag source</li>
	     * <li>rawEvent - Raw mouse event</li>
	     * <li>dropNode - Dropped node(s).</li>
	     * </ul>
	     * @param {Object} dropEvent
	    "nodedrop" : true,
	     * @event nodedragover
	     * Fires when a tree node is being targeted for a drag drop, return false to signal drop not allowed. The dragOverEvent
	     * passed to handlers has the following properties:<br />
	     * <ul style="padding:5px;padding-left:16px;">
	     * <li>tree - The TreePanel</li>
	     * <li>target - The node being targeted for the drop</li>
	     * <li>data - The drag data from the drag source</li>
	     * <li>point - The point of the drop - append, above or below</li>
	     * <li>source - The drag source</li>
	     * <li>rawEvent - Raw mouse event</li>
	     * <li>dropNode - Drop node(s) provided by the source.</li>
	     * <li>cancel - Set this to true to signal drop not allowed.</li>
	     * </ul>
	     * @param {Object} dragOverEvent
	    "nodedragover" : true
       this.on("beforeexpand", this.restrictExpand, this);
Ext.extend(Ext.tree.TreePanel,, {
    rootVisible : true,
    animate: Ext.enableFx,
    lines : true,
    enableDD : false,
    hlDrop : Ext.enableFx,

    // private
    restrictExpand : function(node){
        var p = node.parentNode;
            if(p.expandedChild && p.expandedChild.parentNode == p){
            p.expandedChild = node;
    // private override
    setRootNode : function(node){, node);
            node.ui = new Ext.tree.RootTreeNodeUI(node);
        return node;
     * Returns the container element for this TreePanel
    getEl : function(){
        return this.el;  
     * Returns the default TreeLoader for this TreePanel
    getLoader : function(){
        return this.loader;    
     * Expand all nodes
    expandAll : function(){
     * Collapse all nodes
    collapseAll : function(){
     * Returns the selection model used by this TreePanel
    getSelectionModel : function(){
            this.selModel = new Ext.tree.DefaultSelectionModel();
        return this.selModel;
     * Expands a specified path in this TreePanel. A path can be retrieved from a node with {@link}
     * @param {String} path
     * @param {String} attr (optional) The attribute used in the path (see {@link} for more info)
     * @param {Function} callback (optional) The callback to call when the expand is complete. The callback will be called with
     * (bSuccess, oLastNode) where bSuccess is if the expand was successful and oLastNode is the last node that was expanded.
    expandPath : function(path, attr, callback){
        attr = attr || "id";
        var keys = path.split(this.pathSeparator);
        var curNode = this.root;
        if(curNode.attributes[attr] != keys[1]){ // invalid root
                callback(false, null);
        var index = 1;
        var f = function(){
            if(++index == keys.length){
                    callback(true, curNode);
            var c = curNode.findChild(attr, keys[index]);
                    callback(false, curNode);
            curNode = c;
            c.expand(false, false, f);
        curNode.expand(false, false, f);
     * Selects the node in this tree at the specified path. A path can be retrieved from a node with {@link}
     * @param {String} path
     * @param {String} attr (optional) The attribute used in the path (see {@link} for more info)
     * @param {Function} callback (optional) The callback to call when the selection is complete. The callback will be called with
     * (bSuccess, oSelNode) where bSuccess is if the selection was successful and oSelNode is the selected node.
    selectPath : function(path, attr, callback){
        attr = attr || "id";
        var keys = path.split(this.pathSeparator);
        var v = keys.pop();
        if(keys.length > 0){
            var f = function(success, node){
                if(success && node){
                    var n = node.findChild(attr, v);
                            callback(true, n);
                        callback(false, n);
            this.expandPath(keys.join(this.pathSeparator), attr, f);
                callback(true, this.root);
     * Trigger rendering of this TreePanel
    render : function(){
        this.container = this.el.createChild({tag:"ul",
               cls:"x-tree-root-ct " +
               (this.lines ? "x-tree-lines" : "x-tree-no-lines")});
        if((this.enableDD || this.enableDrop) && !this.dropZone){
            * The dropZone used by this tree if drop is enabled
            * @type Ext.tree.TreeDropZone
             this.dropZone = new Ext.tree.TreeDropZone(this, this.dropConfig || {
               ddGroup: this.ddGroup || "TreeDD", appendOnly: this.ddAppendOnly === true
        if((this.enableDD || this.enableDrag) && !this.dragZone){
            * The dragZone used by this tree if drag is enabled
            * @type Ext.tree.TreeDragZone
            this.dragZone = new Ext.tree.TreeDragZone(this, this.dragConfig || {
               ddGroup: this.ddGroup || "TreeDD",
               scroll: this.ddScroll
        return this;

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