Defines properties of a ColdFusion component (CFC). Used to create complex data types for web services. The attributes of this tag are exposed as component metadata and are subject to inheritance rules.
<cfproperty name="name
" default="default value
" displayname="descriptive name
" hint="extended description
" required="boolean" type="type
" >
cfargument, cfcomponent, cffunction, cfinvoke, cfinvokeargument, cfobject, cfreturn; "Documenting CFCs" in "Building and Using ColdFusion Components" in the ColdFusion Developer's Guide
ColdFusion MX: Added this tag.
Attribute |
Req/Opt |
Default |
Description |
name |
Required |
A string; a property name. Must be a static value. |
default |
Optional |
If no property value is set when the component is used for a web service, specifies a default value. If this attribute is present, the required attribute must be set to no or not specified. |
displayname |
Optional |
A value to be displayed when using introspection to show information about the CFC. The value appears in parentheses following the property name. |
hint |
Optional |
Text to be displayed when using introspection to show information about the CFC. This attribute can be useful for describing the purpose of the parameter. |
required |
Optional |
no |
Whether the parameter is required:
type |
Optional |
any |
A string; identifies the property data type:
You must position cfproperty tags at the beginning of a component, above executable code and function definitions.
If a component is not used as a web service, The cfproperty only provides metadata information when the component is viewed using introspection, for example, by opening the CFC file directly in the browser. It does not define variables or set values that you can then use in your component.
For web services that you create in ColdFusion, the cfproperty tag defines complex variables used by the web service.
The following code defines a component in the file address.cfc that contains properties that represent a street address:
<cfcomponent> <cfproperty name="Number" type="numeric"> <cfproperty name="Street" type="string"> <cfproperty name="City" type="string"> <cfproperty name="State" type="string"> <cfproperty name="Country" type="string"> </cfcomponent>
This component represents a complex data type that can be used in a component that is exported as a web service, such as the following:
<cfcomponent> <cffunction name="echoAddress" returnType="address" access="remote"> <cfargument name="input" type="address"> <cfreturn arguments.input> </cffunction> </cfcomponent>